The Future of Social Media - What's Next for Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, and More!

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It seems like there are new social media apps coming out every day, with the latest being Peach. And while they're all fun to try, it can be hard to keep track of them all. It's easy to get crushed by the apparently infinite options out there. So what is the future of social media? 

We may not know for sure what's next for Facebook or Instagram, or Snapchat, but we know that some trends are, rising and others are falling away. We may shortly live in a world where there is no such thing as "too much" social media. But for now, this blog post will focus on three of the most popular platforms: Facebook, Snapchat, and Instagram.


The Future of Social Media

There are a few trends that have been consistent for the past few years. One of those trends is "live video." This is a significant trend to keep an eye on, as it's predicted to be a major player in digital media in the near future.

In addition, live video, 360-degree videos, and augmented reality are also expected to play a big role. Companies like Facebook and Snapchat have already released apps designed for this media type.

Snapchat has been going through some changes lately. With their recent updates, Snapkind and Discover, they've added more features - including a whole new way to take pictures with filters and augmented reality glasses.

And now, they're introducing "chatbots." Chatbots are artificial intelligence programs that answer customers' questions about products or services directly from the app. If you desire your business to grow in this digital age, it's important that you stay up-to-date on these cutting-edge technologies and trends!



Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms, with over 1.59 billion users as of June 2018. Facebook is a place for sharing photos and videos and staying in touch with each other all over the world.

Facebook has been going through some changes recently. In order to combat its plummeting stock price, Facebook announced a new plan to prioritize "meaningful interactions" on the site by promoting posts from friends and family members instead of pages or news sources.

They also announced a change in their algorithm that won't show you every post from those you follow. Users will now see about 4-5 posts from those they're connected to at any given time - with more showing up as they scroll down their feed.

This information was met with varied replies by users, but it's clear that Facebook is interested in making sure people are connecting meaningfully on the site again rather than passively scrolling through posts they find confusing or irrelevant.



Snapchat is mainly used by teens and millennials. One of the biggest reasons for its popularity is that it's easy to use. You can snap a photo or video message, share these "snaps" with your friends, and then they'll disappear after 10 seconds or less.

What makes this app so appealing is that you can use it to communicate in a more casual way than other social media platforms like Facebook - not everything needs to be perfect or serious all the time!

Facebook is still hugely popular, but people are posting less on it. The company has had to come up with fresh ways of drawing users back into the site, which includes live streaming and working on various types of videos.

They've also started to rely more on algorithms instead of human editors to curate the news feed, so there may be some adjustments coming soon. 

Instagram is one of the most popular photo-sharing apps out there right now, but some new features may be coming soon, too, including new public profiles and an explore function similar to Snapchat's friend finder.



Instagram is one of the most popular social media apps out there. It has over 500 million daily active users and those users upload 95 million photos and videos every day. Instagram is a visual platform, so it's no surprise that this app is so popular. But what will happen as Instagram becomes more saturated with content?

As we mentioned earlier, Instagram has over 500 million active daily users, and they upload 95 million photos and videos each day. Considering how many people use the app and the amount of content uploaded, it's difficult to imagine what could happen in the future. 

It's not just an app for sharing pictures anymore; it has evolved into a place for influencers to make money from their posts with sponsored ads from brands of products they endorse.

The potential for these sponsored posts leads some marketers to believe that advertising on Instagram will make up 50% of total ad spend on social media by 2020.

In order to prepare for this change, it's important to understand how your company can engage on Instagram today – without waiting until 2020 – to take advantage of the opportunities that exist now.

The future of social media is just around the corner. With new updates to Facebook and Instagram, changes to Snapchat, and a whole new app called TikTok, there are a lot of things to look forward to. But the future doesn't have to be a scary place. The decisions we make now will determine where we end up, but it's never too soon to start planning for the future

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